Uses of Class

Packages that use DbSupport

Uses of DbSupport in org.unitils.core.dbsupport

Subclasses of DbSupport in org.unitils.core.dbsupport
 class Db2DbSupport
          Implementation of DbSupport for an IBM DB2 database
 class DerbyDbSupport
          Implementation of DbSupport for a Derby database.
 class HsqldbDbSupport
          Implementation of DbSupport for a hsqldb database
 class MsSqlDbSupport
          Implementation of DbSupport for a MsSQL database.
 class MySqlDbSupport
          Implementation of DbSupport for a MySql database.
 class Oracle10DbSupport
 class Oracle9DbSupport
 class OracleDbSupport
          Implementation of DbSupport for an Oracle database.
 class PostgreSqlDbSupport
          Implementation of DbSupport for a PostgreSql database.

Methods in org.unitils.core.dbsupport that return DbSupport
static DbSupport DbSupportFactory.getDbSupport(Properties configuration, SQLHandler sqlHandler, String schemaName)
          Returns the dbms specific DbSupport as configured in the given Configuration.
static DbSupport DbSupportFactory.getDefaultDbSupport(Properties configuration, SQLHandler sqlHandler)
          Returns the dbms specific DbSupport as configured in the given Configuration for the default schema.

Methods in org.unitils.core.dbsupport that return types with arguments of type DbSupport
static List<DbSupport> DbSupportFactory.getDbSupports(Properties configuration, SQLHandler sqlHandler)
          Returns the dbms specific DbSupport instances for all configured schemas.

Uses of DbSupport in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.clean.impl

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.clean.impl with parameters of type DbSupport
protected  void DefaultDBCleaner.cleanTable(String tableName, DbSupport dbSupport)
          Deletes the data in the table with the given name.
protected  void DefaultDBClearer.dropMaterializedViews(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Drops all materialized views.
protected  void DefaultDBClearer.dropSequences(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Drops all sequences
protected  void DefaultDBClearer.dropSynonyms(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Drops all synonyms
protected  void DefaultDBClearer.dropTables(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Drops all tables.
protected  void DefaultDBClearer.dropTriggers(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Drops all triggers
protected  void DefaultDBClearer.dropTypes(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Drops all types.
protected  void DefaultDBClearer.dropViews(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Drops all views.

Uses of DbSupport in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.structure.impl

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.structure.impl with parameters of type DbSupport
protected  void DefaultConstraintsDisabler.disableReferentialConstraints(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Disables all referential constraints (e.g. foreign keys) on all tables in the schema
protected  void DefaultConstraintsDisabler.disableValueConstraints(DbSupport dbSupport)
          Disables all value constraints (e.g. not null) on all tables in the schema
protected  void XsdDataSetStructureGenerator.generateDatabaseSchemaXsd(DbSupport dbSupport, File xsdDirectory)
          Generates an XSD for the database schema of the given db support.

Uses of DbSupport in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.util

Fields in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.util declared as DbSupport
protected  DbSupport BaseDatabaseAccessor.defaultDbSupport
          DbSupport for the default schema

Fields in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.util with type parameters of type DbSupport
protected  List<DbSupport> BaseDatabaseAccessor.dbSupports
          DbSupport for all schemas

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.util that return DbSupport
 DbSupport BaseDatabaseAccessor.getDbSupport(String schemaName)
          Gets the db support for the given schema.

Uses of DbSupport in org.unitils.dbunit

Methods in org.unitils.dbunit that return DbSupport
protected  DbSupport DbUnitModule.getDefaultDbSupport()

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