Package org.unitils.core.util

Interface Summary
ObjectToInjectHolder<T> An interface for replacing the object to inject with another object.
ResourceConfig Marker interface that indicates that the implementation wraps the necessary configuration for configuring some resource
ResourceConfigLoader<RC extends ResourceConfig> Defines the contract for implementations that find a resource configuration on a test object, returning a subtype of ResourceConfig that wraps the configuration

Class Summary
AnnotatedInstanceManager<T,A extends Annotation> Class for managing and creating instances of a given type.
ArrayAndCollectionFormatter Helper class for generating a string representation of a collection or array.
BaseConfigurable Base class for implementations that need access to the unitils configuration
ConfigUtils Class containing configuration related utilities
FileResolver Resolves the location for a file with a certain name.
ObjectFormatter A class for generating a string representation of any object, array or primitive value.
TypeUtils Class copied from spring-core.

Enum Summary
StoredIdentifierCase Possible values for the stored identifier case.

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