Uses of Class

Packages that use Script

Uses of Script in org.unitils.dbmaintainer

Method parameters in org.unitils.dbmaintainer with type arguments of type Script
protected  void DBMaintainer.executePostProcessingScripts(List<Script> postProcessingScripts)
          Executes the given post processing scripts on the database.
protected  void DBMaintainer.executeScripts(List<Script> scripts)
          Executes the given scripts and updates the database version and state appropriatly.
protected  void DBMaintainer.updateDatabase(List<Script> scripts)
          Updates the state of the database using the given scripts.

Uses of Script in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script that return Script
 Script ExecutedScript.getScript()

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script that return types with arguments of type Script
 List<Script> ScriptSource.getAllUpdateScripts()
 List<Script> ScriptSource.getNewScripts(Version highestExecutedScriptVersion, Set<ExecutedScript> alreadyExecutedScripts)
          Returns a list of scripts including the ones that: have a higher version than the given version are unversioned, and they weren't yet applied on the database are unversioned, and their contents differ from the one currently applied to the database

The scripts are returned in the order in which they should be executed.

 List<Script> ScriptSource.getPostProcessingScripts()
          Gets a list of all post processing scripts.

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script with parameters of type Script
 int Script.compareTo(Script script)
          Compares the given script to this script by comparing the versions.
 boolean Script.isScriptContentEqualTo(Script other, boolean useLastModificationDates)

Constructors in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script with parameters of type Script
ExecutedScript(Script script, Date executedAt, Boolean successful)

Uses of Script in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script.impl

Fields in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script.impl with type parameters of type Script
protected  List<Script> DefaultScriptSource.allPostProcessingScripts
protected  List<Script> DefaultScriptSource.allUpdateScripts

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script.impl that return Script
protected  Script DefaultScriptSource.createScript(File scriptFile, String relativePath)
          Creates a script object for the given script file

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script.impl that return types with arguments of type Script
protected  Map<String,Script> DefaultScriptSource.convertToScriptNameScriptMap(Set<ExecutedScript> executedScripts)
 List<Script> DefaultScriptSource.getAllUpdateScripts()
          Gets a list of all available update scripts.
protected  List<Script> DefaultScriptSource.getIncrementalScripts()
 List<Script> DefaultScriptSource.getNewScripts(Version currentVersion, Set<ExecutedScript> alreadyExecutedScripts)
          Returns a list of scripts with a higher version or whose contents were changed.
 List<Script> DefaultScriptSource.getPostProcessingScripts()
          Gets the configured post-processing script files and verfies that they on the file system.
protected  List<Script> DefaultScriptSource.loadAllScripts()

Methods in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script.impl with parameters of type Script
protected  boolean DefaultScriptSource.isPostProcessingScript(Script script)

Method parameters in org.unitils.dbmaintainer.script.impl with type arguments of type Script
protected  void DefaultScriptSource.assertNoDuplicateIndexes(List<Script> scripts)
          Asserts that, in the given list of database update scripts, there are no two indexed scripts with the same version.
protected  void DefaultScriptSource.getScriptsAt(List<Script> scripts, String scriptRoot, String relativeLocation)
          Adds all scripts available in the given directory or one of its subdirectories to the given List of files

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