Uses of Class

Packages that use SchemaDifference

Uses of SchemaDifference in org.unitils.dbunit.dataset

Methods in org.unitils.dbunit.dataset that return SchemaDifference
 SchemaDifference actualSchema)
          Compares the schema with the given actual schema.

Uses of SchemaDifference in org.unitils.dbunit.util

Methods in org.unitils.dbunit.util with parameters of type SchemaDifference
protected  void DataSetAssert.appendMissingTableDifferences(SchemaDifference schemaDifference, StringBuilder result)
          Appends the missing tables of the given schema difference to the result
protected  void DataSetAssert.appendTableDifferences(SchemaDifference schemaDifference, StringBuilder result)
          Appends the table differences of the given schema difference to the result
protected  String DataSetAssert.generateErrorMessage(SchemaDifference schemaDifference)
          Formats the assertion failed message for the given difference.

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