Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataSetFactory

Uses of DataSetFactory in org.unitils.dbunit

Methods in org.unitils.dbunit that return DataSetFactory
protected  DataSetFactory DbUnitModule.getDataSetFactory(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass, Method testMethod, Class testClass)
          Get the configured DataSetFactory for the given method
protected  DataSetFactory DbUnitModule.getDataSetFactory(Class<? extends DataSetFactory> dataSetFactoryClass)
          Creates and initializes a data set factory of the given type.
protected  DataSetFactory DbUnitModule.getDefaultDataSetFactory()

Methods in org.unitils.dbunit with parameters of type DataSetFactory
protected  MultiSchemaDataSet DbUnitModule.getDataSet(Class<?> testClass, String[] dataSetFileNames, DataSetFactory dataSetFactory)
          Creates the dataset for the given file.

Method parameters in org.unitils.dbunit with type arguments of type DataSetFactory
protected  DataSetFactory DbUnitModule.getDataSetFactory(Class<? extends DataSetFactory> dataSetFactoryClass)
          Creates and initializes a data set factory of the given type.
static void DbUnitUnitils.insertDataSet(File dataSetFile, Class<? extends DataSetFactory> dataSetFactoryClass, Class<? extends DataSetLoadStrategy> dataSetLoadStrategyClass)
          Inserts the test data coming from the given DbUnit dataset file.
 void DbUnitModule.insertDataSet(File dataSetFile, Class<? extends DataSetFactory> dataSetFactoryClass, Class<? extends DataSetLoadStrategy> dataSetLoadStrategyClass)
          Inserts the test data coming from the given DbUnit dataset file.

Uses of DataSetFactory in org.unitils.dbunit.datasetfactory.impl

Classes in org.unitils.dbunit.datasetfactory.impl that implement DataSetFactory
 class MultiSchemaXmlDataSetFactory
          A data set factory that can handle data set definitions for multiple database schemas.

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