Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataSetLoadStrategy

Uses of DataSetLoadStrategy in org.unitils.dbunit

Methods in org.unitils.dbunit that return DataSetLoadStrategy
protected  DataSetLoadStrategy DbUnitModule.getDataSetLoadStrategy(Method testMethod, Class testClass)
          Creates the DbUnit dataset operation for loading a data set for the given method.
protected  DataSetLoadStrategy DbUnitModule.getDefaultDataSetLoadStrategy()

Methods in org.unitils.dbunit with parameters of type DataSetLoadStrategy
protected  void DbUnitModule.insertDataSet(MultiSchemaDataSet multiSchemaDataSet, DataSetLoadStrategy dataSetLoadStrategy)
          Loads the given multi schema dataset into the database, using the given loadstrategy

Method parameters in org.unitils.dbunit with type arguments of type DataSetLoadStrategy
static void DbUnitUnitils.insertDataSet(File dataSetFile, Class<? extends DataSetFactory> dataSetFactoryClass, Class<? extends DataSetLoadStrategy> dataSetLoadStrategyClass)
          Inserts the test data coming from the given DbUnit dataset file.
 void DbUnitModule.insertDataSet(File dataSetFile, Class<? extends DataSetFactory> dataSetFactoryClass, Class<? extends DataSetLoadStrategy> dataSetLoadStrategyClass)
          Inserts the test data coming from the given DbUnit dataset file.

Uses of DataSetLoadStrategy in org.unitils.dbunit.datasetloadstrategy.impl

Classes in org.unitils.dbunit.datasetloadstrategy.impl that implement DataSetLoadStrategy
 class BaseDataSetLoadStrategy
          Base implementation of DataSetLoadStrategy.
 class CleanInsertLoadStrategy
          DataSetLoadStrategy that inserts a dataset, after removal of all data present in the tables specified in the dataset.
 class InsertLoadStrategy
          DataSetLoadStrategy that inserts the contents of the dataset into the database.
 class RefreshLoadStrategy
          DataSetLoadStrategy that 'refreshes' the contents of the database with the contents of the dataset.
 class UpdateLoadStrategy
          DataSetLoadStrategy that updates the contents of the database with the contents of the dataset.

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