Uses of Class

Packages that use MatchStatement

Uses of MatchStatement in org.unitils.mock

Methods in org.unitils.mock with annotations of type MatchStatement
 T Mock.assertInvoked()
          Asserts that an invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed on this mock object during this test.
 T Mock.assertInvokedInSequence()
          Asserts that an invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed on this mock object during this test.
 T Mock.assertNotInvoked()
          Asserts that no invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed on this mock object during this test.
 T Mock.oncePerforms(MockBehavior mockBehavior)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that will be performed when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T Mock.onceRaises(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises an instance of the given exception class when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T Mock.onceRaises(Throwable exception)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises an instance of the given exception class when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T Mock.onceReturns(Object returnValue)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it will return the given value when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T Mock.performs(MockBehavior mockBehavior)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that will be performed when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T Mock.raises(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises an instance of the given exception class when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T Mock.raises(Throwable exception)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises the given exception when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T Mock.returns(Object returnValue)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it will return the given value when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T PartialMock.stub()
          Stubs out (removes) the behavior of the method when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.

Uses of MatchStatement in org.unitils.mock.core

Methods in org.unitils.mock.core with annotations of type MatchStatement
 T MockObject.assertInvoked()
          Asserts that an invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed on this mock object during this test.
 T MockObject.assertInvokedInSequence()
          Asserts that an invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed on this mock object during this test.
 T MockObject.assertNotInvoked()
          Asserts that no invocation that matches the invocation following this call has been observed on this mock object during this test.
 T MockObject.oncePerforms(MockBehavior mockBehavior)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that will be performed when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T MockObject.onceRaises(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises an instance of the given exception class when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T MockObject.onceRaises(Throwable exception)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises the given exception when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T MockObject.onceReturns(Object returnValue)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it will return the given value when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T MockObject.performs(MockBehavior mockBehavior)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that will be performed when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T MockObject.raises(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises the given exception when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T MockObject.raises(Throwable exception)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it raises the given exception when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 void MockObject.resetBehavior()
          Removes all behavior defined for this mock.
 T MockObject.returns(Object returnValue)
          Defines behavior for this mock so that it will return the given value when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.
 T PartialMockObject.stub()
          Stubs out (removes) the behavior of the method when the invocation following this call matches the observed behavior.

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