Class DefaultArgumentMatcher

  extended by org.unitils.mock.argumentmatcher.impl.DefaultArgumentMatcher
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultArgumentMatcher
extends Object
implements ArgumentMatcher

A matcher for checking whether an argument equals a given value. This matchers uses reference comparison if the expected and actual arguments refer to the same object. Otherwise, lenient reflection comparison is used (This means the actual order of collections will be ignored and only fields that have a non default value will be compared)

Filip Neven, Tim Ducheyne

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.unitils.mock.argumentmatcher.ArgumentMatcher
Constructor Summary
DefaultArgumentMatcher(Object value)
          Creates a matcher for the given value.
Method Summary
 ArgumentMatcher.MatchResult matches(Object argument, Object argumentAtInvocationTime)
          Returns true if the given object matches the expected argument, false otherwise.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultArgumentMatcher(Object value)
Creates a matcher for the given value. The original value is stored and a copy of the value is taken so that it can be compared even when the value itself was modified later-on.

value - The expected value
Method Detail


public ArgumentMatcher.MatchResult matches(Object argument,
                                           Object argumentAtInvocationTime)
Returns true if the given object matches the expected argument, false otherwise. If the given argument refers to the same object as the original value, true is returned. If the given argument is another object than the original value, lenient reflection comparison is used to compare the values. This means that the actual order of collections will be ignored and only fields that have a non default value will be compared.

Specified by:
matches in interface ArgumentMatcher
argument - The argument that was used by reference, not null
argumentAtInvocationTime - Copy of the argument, taken at the time that the invocation was performed, not null
The match result, not null

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