Uses of Class

Packages that use ReflectionComparatorMode

Uses of ReflectionComparatorMode in org.unitils.easymock

Methods in org.unitils.easymock with parameters of type ReflectionComparatorMode
<T> T
EasyMockUnitils.refEq(T object, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Expects the given object argument but uses a reflection argument matcher with the given comparator modes to compare the given value with the actual value during the test.

Uses of ReflectionComparatorMode in org.unitils.easymock.util

Constructors in org.unitils.easymock.util with parameters of type ReflectionComparatorMode
LenientMocksControl(org.easymock.internal.MocksControl.MockType type, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Creates a mock control.
LenientMocksControl(ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Creates a default (no default returns and no order checking) mock control.
ReflectionArgumentMatcher(T expected, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Creates a matcher for the expected argument value.

Uses of ReflectionComparatorMode in org.unitils.reflectionassert

Methods in org.unitils.reflectionassert that return ReflectionComparatorMode
static ReflectionComparatorMode ReflectionComparatorMode.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ReflectionComparatorMode[] ReflectionComparatorMode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.unitils.reflectionassert with parameters of type ReflectionComparatorMode
static void ReflectionAssert.assertPropertyReflectionEquals(String propertyName, Collection<?> expectedPropertyValues, Collection<?> actualObjects, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Asserts that a property of all objects in the collection are equal to the given values.
static void ReflectionAssert.assertPropertyReflectionEquals(String propertyName, Object expectedPropertyValue, Object actualObject, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Asserts that the value of a property of an object is equal to the given value.
static void ReflectionAssert.assertPropertyReflectionEquals(String message, String propertyName, Collection<?> expectedPropertyValues, Collection<?> actualObjects, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Asserts that a property of all objects in the collection are equal to the given values.
static void ReflectionAssert.assertPropertyReflectionEquals(String message, String propertyName, Object expectedPropertyValue, Object actualObject, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Asserts that the value of a property of an object is equal to the given value.
static void ReflectionAssert.assertReflectionEquals(Object expected, Object actual, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Asserts that two objects are equal.
static void ReflectionAssert.assertReflectionEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual, ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Asserts that two objects are equal.
static ReflectionComparator ReflectionComparatorFactory.createRefectionComparator(ReflectionComparatorMode... modes)
          Creates a reflection comparator for the given modes.

Method parameters in org.unitils.reflectionassert with type arguments of type ReflectionComparatorMode
protected static List<Comparator> ReflectionComparatorFactory.getComparatorChain(Set<ReflectionComparatorMode> modes)
          Creates a comparator chain for the given modes.

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